I am very satisfied with the chocolate flavour. It is value for money. There is a definite change in my body. I can feel it within 10 days. Follow the instructions and support with a proper diet.
Gaurav Dixit

The product is genuine, I gained approximately 4lb in a month following a routine and balanced diet. If you follow the instructions on the pack results are assured.
Saurav Dasgupta

My weight was 42 but after 1 month I have gained 3.5 kg and now my weight is 46. I have taken it only once a day and it worked. totally trusted product. Thanks sir.
Sanjeev Singh

Writing this after using it for 4 months. It tasted good and it definitely increased mass. I have gained 8kgs in 4 months. But yes, you need to combine Endura Mass with 1–2-hour gym. Fairly satisfied with the results.
Darshan Jadav

Lovely product. I Gained 10 kg weight from this. Too useful product for who can't gain weight.
Rohit Sonawane

Best and suitable products for all age groups. I increased my 4.7kg weight in 2 months. It is so effective and efficient for weight gaining, anyone should go for it.
Sammy Rao

Body strength enhancing powder without side-effects. Removes mental and physical fatigue, helps maintain body weight and provides energy for work.
Ashish Sharma

I love Endura as it is the best weight gainer available in the market. Its results are awesome. It has completely changed my physique.
Praveen Nain

A strength enhancing powder for both the mind and body. It has no side effects and adds energy to life helping me gain weight.
Aswin Verma

It helped me to gain about 3-5kgs in a period of 1 month. It has no side – effects like skin reaction, hair-fall. It also comes in various flavours from which I can choose according to my taste. Great Product! :)
Om Prakash Singh

Two years ago, I used to be very thin. After using Endura Mass continuously, I gained a decent weight & my body looks much stronger than before. I would suggest all lean & thin people to use Endura Mass.
Ankur Shukla

Endura Mass gave me the good health & I got selected in UPP (Uttar Pradesh Police). Thank you Endura Mass.
Abhishek Dwivedi

I love Endura because its one of the best weight gainer available in the market. Its results are awesome. It has completely changed my physique.
Parveen Nair, Patiyala

Endura Mass has given me a better personality than what I was earlier. I love Endura Mass.
Shivam Rao

It helped me to gain about 3-5kgs in a period of 1 month. It has no side – effects like skin reaction, hair-fall. It also comes in various flavours from which I can choose according to my taste. Great Product! :)
Parveen Nair, Patiyala

It helped me gain about 6-7kgs in a period of 2 month. It has no side-effect at all. It also comes in various flavours from which I can choose according to my taste. I fine it a Great product and has recommended it to many of may friends
Arvind Shekhavat, Hydrabad

I always wanted to look good to fulfill my passion for fashion, and I am thankful to Endura to help me achieve that.according to my taste. Great Product! :)